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Leveret inden
tirsdag, 26.11.2024
Din ordre vil blive leveret inden jul
Af alle bestillinger i oktober 2024, som blev afgivet på hverdage inden kl. 12.00, blev 99 % af alle de bestillinger, der var på lager, leveret til vore kunder i inden for tre hverdage Danmark (mandag-fredag). 100 % af de bestillinger, der var på lager, blev afsendt den samme dag. Undtaget er dog speditionsvarer og enkelte regioner, som ikke leveres dagligt af forsendelsesudbyderen.
The Lola securely and reliably stands on any ground with its three supporting legs.
Adjustable height
Floor uplighter
The height of the Lola Terra can be adjusted, as required.
Thanks to a powerful R7s halogen rod, it also supplies large rooms with glare-free ambient lighting.
Floor uplighter
Adjustable height
Thanks to a powerful R7s halogen rod, it also supplies large rooms with glare-free ambient lighting.
The height of the Lola Terra can be adjusted, as required.
Lola Terra floor lamps: comprehensive and flexibly adjustable ambient lighting
The main feature of the purist Luceplan Lola Terra with foot-operated dimmer is the high level of flexibility in terms of the light intensity and direction. It emits bright light upwards, while the light head and light stem can be adjusted as required. The light head of the Lola Terra can be rotated around the vertical line; additionally the angle of inclination can also be modified. Thus, this floor lamp offers maximum flexibility when it comes to the light direction. By means of a telescopic rod, the height of the floor lamp from Luceplan can also be adjusted. This means that even the eyes of tall persons are prevented from directly looking into the illuminant. The scope of supply of the floor lamp does not include illuminants. We recommend using halogen lamps for authentic lighting with a warm white light temperature.
Vurderinger for Luceplan Lola Terra med fod-lysdæmper
gulvlampen Lola er et top produkt i enhver henseende:
æstetisk, formelt, funktionelt, pris (værdi for pengene),
er rent konstrueret.
Jeg købte for nylig en Lola til min nabo, da hun var begejstret for min Lola.
(som jeg købte i Como for 20 år siden).Hallo,
die Stehleuchte Lola ist ein Top-Produkt in jeder Hinsicht:
ästhetisch, formal, funktional, preislich (Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis),
sauber konstruiert.
Ich habe kürzlich für meine Nachbarin eine Lola gekauft, da sie von meiner Lola
begeistert war (die ich vor 20 Jahren in Como gekauft hatte).
en tilbageholdende, minimalistisk, smukt design, varmt lys, alt som ønsketein zurückhaltendes, minimalistisches, schönes Design, warmes Licht, alles wie gewünscht
Et diskret, smukt, minimaistisk design.
Denne loftvasker giver et varmt og fyldigt lys.Ein zurückhaltendes, schönes, minimaoistisches Design.
Dieser Deckenfluter gibt ein warmes und volles Licht.
Var denne anmeldelse til hjælp for dig?
Originalsprog: Tysk, oversat af light11
Floor lamps for ambient lighting in the living room and the dining area
The Luceplan Lola Terra with foot-operated dimmer is able to fulfil lighting tasks that involve diffuse and direct light. For instance, this floor lamp can be used to supply ambient lighting in the living room as well as in the dining area. In a hallway or a home office, the lighting effect of the Lola Terra from Luceplan cuts a particularly great figure. Thanks to the integrated foot-operated dimmer, the light intensity of this floor lamp can be individually adjusted to suit your requirements. Here, its minimalist design harmonises with almost every design concept and can therefore be easily integrated into the living ambience.
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